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Common clinical pictures

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Psychosomatic complaints

Psychosomatic complaints are physical symptoms that are triggered by psychological stress. The term "psychosomatic" is made up of the Greek words "psyche" (soul) and "soma" (body). It is therefore an interaction between psychological and physical factors.

Symptoms of psychosomatic complaints

Psychosomatic complaints can manifest themselves in various ways. Common symptoms are stomach aches, headaches, back pain, skin rashes, dizziness and nausea. These symptoms can be very stressful and affect the quality of life.

Treatment methods for psychosomatic complaints

Psychosomatic complaints are usually treated using a combination of medical and psychological measures. First, physical causes must be ruled out to ensure that the complaints are actually psychosomatic.

Once the diagnosis has been made, various forms of therapy can be used. A tried and tested method is cognitive behavioral therapy, in which negative thoughts and behavior patterns are identified and specifically changed. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation can also help to alleviate the symptoms.

In some cases, medication may also be useful to relieve physical complaints or treat psychological disorders that trigger the psychosomatic symptoms.

Positive conclusion

Psychosomatic complaints are a sign that body and mind are closely connected. By focusing on our psychological needs and doing good things for ourselves, we can also relieve physical complaints. It is important to pay attention to warning signals from the body and to give ourselves the time and rest we need to stay healthy.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that psychosomatic complaints are treatable in most cases and that there are many effective methods to relieve the symptoms. With the right support and a positive attitude, we can improve our health and increase our well-being.