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Common clinical pictures

Here you will find further information about the most common clinical pictures.


Burnout syndrome begins with reduced resilience and excessive demands in professional life and is rarely recognized at first. Since work is often taken home, family activities, leisure activities or hobbies are neglected. Many sufferers are ultimately unable to switch off after a stressful day at work. Little by little, the first signs of depression, insomnia or social withdrawal develop. The increasing exhaustion also leads to a feeling of lack of appreciation in professional life. In addition to depression, psychosomatic complaints such as digestive problems, headaches and back pain or sexual dysfunction are also common.

In Austria, almost one in ten people suffers from burnout or is in a transitional stage that can turn into burnout. The largest group of people affected are those under 30, although the frequency also increases from the age of 50. The earlier symptoms are recognized, the better the progression can be counteracted. Therefore, the first signs should be taken seriously. In addition to psychotherapy, which can identify personal problem areas and promote social skills, drug therapy can also improve symptoms. Although the clinical pictures differ from one another, there is still a risk that burnout will turn into depression.